
Where are you? kien tu?
I‘m here. me titieni.
You‘re there. tu tieni.
He‘s over there. lo teltieni.
Where do you eat? kien tu nyami?
I eat here. me nyami titien.
I‘m in the garden. me eni garde.
I eat in the garden. me nyami en garde.
Where are you going? na kien tu iti?
I’m going to the garden. me iti na garde.
I’m moving around the garden. me iti en garde.
Where do you come from? da kien tu tiiti?
I just came from the kitchen. me tiiti da kukene.
The chicken cooked in the oven. kokeye kukisi in warmere.
The chicken is in the oven. kokeye ini warmere.
The cake cools out of the oven. keke fridesi ek warmere.
The cake is located out of the oven. keke eni ek warmere.
The cake is out of the oven. keke eki warmere.
The cake is located on the table. keke eni sop meze.
The cake is on the table. kee sopi meze.
The chair is located under the table. sedile eni sub meze.
The chair is under the table. sedile subi meze.
My room is located at the top of the house. mea gofkamere eni op dome.
My room is at the top of the house. mea gofkamere opi dome.
The kitchen is located at the bottom of the house. kukene eni ub dome.
The kitchen is at the bottom of the house. kukene ubi dome.
I’m sitting next to my mother. me sedi laten mea mape.
I’m sitting between my brother and my mother. me sedi mes mea sere ni mea mape.
The cake is located in the middle of the table. keke eni mes meze.
The cake is in the middle of the table. keke mesi meze.
My family came home. mea familye jo tiiti en mea dome.
My family came to eat at my house. mea familye jo tiiti nyami dom me.
Yesterday I bought the bread at the bakery. me predio pravesi pane en panene.
Yesterday I slept at the baker‘s. me predio gofi dom panane.
I’m sitting against the wall. me sedi tuk mure.
I’m sitting in front of from my sister. me sedi preen mea masere.
We are sitting around the table. noy sedi ru meze.
My parents live in the proximity of my home. mea pey jiti ru mea dome.
They live near my house. ley jiti ner mea dome.
My brother and sister live far from me. mea serey jiti tel me.