
topLetter case

The mundeze does not use capital letters, but allows the use of upper case letters by simply enlarging the lower case letters at the beginning of a sentence or at the beginning of proper nouns.

me nami djali” (My name is Djali) cannot be written “Me nami Djali“, but can be written “me nami djali“.


  • The comma {,} marks a short pause.
  • The semicolon {;} is used to mark a medium pause or to separate elements of an enumeration.
  • The period {.} marks the end of a sentence.
  • The question mark {?} is used to mark a interrogation.
  • The exclamation mark {!} is used to mark an exclamation.
  • Suspension marks {…} are used to mark the end of a statement when the sentence is not complete.
  • The colon {:} is used to introduce a quotation, enumeration or explanation.
  • The quotation marks used are the French ones {« »}, without a space between the quotation marks and the quote. Single quotation marks {‹ ›} can be used as a second level quotation. They can also be used to give an approximate or pejorative meaning to a word.
  • The brackets {( )} mark a medium pause to insert a precision in the sentence. Internal to the narrative.
  • The square brackets {[ ]} are used to add precision of the writer. External to the narrative.

Unique punctuation marks { ,.?!:… } are written directly after the last letter and must be followed by a space. However, it is tolerated to precede superimposed signs { ;::!? } with an unbreakable space before the superimposed signs.

“Opening” punctuation marks { « ( [ } must be preceded by a space and directly followed by a character, without a space.
“Closing” punctuation marks { » ) ] } must come directly after the last character, without a space, but must be followed by a space.

topOther typographical signs

  • The hyphen {-} is used to introduce a new line in a list or dialog, or to separate different words associated. This sign must be followed by a space.
  • The tilde {~} is used to mark an approximation or an interval (undi~pecdi = from Monday to Friday; 10~16 High street).
  • The slash {/} is used to mark an alternative.


Note : The adoption of an auxiliary language would be an opportunity to use a new punctuation, more logical and instinctive. Feel free to share your ideas; we will publish them in the Proposals